ArticleMorphological and Craniometric Features of the Skull of African Savanna Hare (Lepus microtis) Found in North-Central Nigeria
ArticleMorphological and Craniometric Features of the Skull of African Savanna Hare (Lepus microtis) Found in North-Central Nigeria
ArticleMorphological and Morphometric Studies on the Epididymis of West African Dwarf Buck Goat (Capra hircus).
ArticleMorphological and Morphometric Studies on the Epididymis of West African Dwarf Buck Goat (Capra hircus).
ArticleMorphometric Studies of the Axial Skeleton of the African Giant Rat (Cricetomys gambianus, Waterhouse) Part (1): Skull Typology
ArticleMorphometric Studies of the Axial Skeleton of the African Giant Rat (Cricetomys gambianus, Waterhouse) Part (1): Skull Typology