One of the critical challenges facing our world at present is clean energy. It is considered one of the important vital sectors in all countries because it reflects the developmental processes. However, the development and economic growth that the world has witnessed in the past few decades and in the recent years in particular and the excessive use of natural resources, especially, the fossil, have become a threat to global energy security, but that does not depend only on the possibility of running out of energy resources; but rather, the world has known in recent decades another form of threat related to energy, which is environmental pollution, which has increased in a noticeable way producing negative impacts on the capacity of the environment and the environmental balance in general. Thus, the world is facing a challenge represented by how to create a balance between environmental preservation and development together. Consequently, local and international seminars and conferences were held in order to take serious and effective steps in searching for alternative sources that would be sustainable and clean and non-polluting for the environment on the other hand. These resources work to reduce the rates of use of fossil energy, maintaining it as a strategic reserve for future generations and securing energy for current and future generations. For the importance of studying cost and benefit of converting to clean energy and its important role in securing energy resources, and because of Egypt's severe need for electricity and water, which is a threat in the near future, especially after some of the Nile Basin countries have made up decisions to establish Dams on the course of this river, which will undoubtedly affect Egypt's share of water, and this will be reflected in electricity... etc. Our study reflects this important topic of cost and benefit for converting to clean energy as (an applied study on a public sector company) inside Egypt.