Monetary systems are one of the most important issues that have been dealt with in real or positive terms and need to be addressed from an ethical normative perspective. It is clear that the current monetary systems involve an injustice that must be remedied so that it can achieve justice and thus stability and sustainability. Cash depends on gold and silver as the base money, and bronze and bronze as help money. In the modern era, the voices calling for the replacement of paper money have been replaced by coins, on the pretext that gold and silver can not meet the needs of human societies for money in light of the enormous expansion and diversification of products under the great industrial and technological revolution of the world. Since the world came out on the coins, the dollar has played the role of international currency, which has given America an extraordinary competitive edge and caused injustice to other countries. Perhaps everyone will be late on this disaster, and the whole world today needs a new international monetary system, under which all the local monetary systems will change, ensuring justice for all, locally and internationally