کما يطرح البحث أقسام المبهمين المتعددة في المتن أو الإسناد، وکيفية الاستفادة من تلک المعرفة في المتن بالاطلاع على مناقب وفضائل من ورد ذکرهم مبهمين في المتن، ودراسة حال من ورد ذکرهم مبهمين في الإسناد جرحًا وتعديلاً بعد تعينهم.
کما يبلور البحث أهم المصنفات التي صنفها المحدثون لبيان المبهمات من الرجال والنساء سندًا ومتنًا؛ لإبراز دور المحدثين في الاعتناء بکل دقيق يتصل بعلم الحديث، ومنه معرفة المبهمات.
The ambiguities of men and women
And what was mentioned in the text or attribution
"original study"
El-Sayed Ahmed Mohamed Sahlol
Department of Hadith and its sciences, Faculty of Arabic & Islamic Studies for Boys in Damietta, Al-Azhar University
Elsayedsahlol. 33@azhar. edu. eg: Email
This research sheds light on the rules, methods, and benefits of knowing the ambiguities of men and women mentioned in the text and the chain of transmission, and the issue is rooted in an accurate scientific manner on the way of modernists. The research also discusses the various sections of the ambiguous in the text or the chain of transmission, and how to benefit from that knowledge in the text by examining the virtues of those mentioned vaguely in the text, and those in the chain of transmission, by studying their case of accordance totheir degrees in acceptance or refusaland modification after deciding on them. The research also crystallizes the most important classificationsclassified by the modern scholars in order to clarify the ambiguities of men and women as a basis, to highlight the role of the hadiths in taking care of every minute related to the science of hadith, including knowledge of the ambiguities.
Keywords: ambiguities, men, ' women ,the text , the chain.