dE To catch up with the increasing rapidity of evolution in the conditions of tactical missions execution, the adaptation of display systems organization needs to be glo-bally reanalyzed more frequently and deeply. The accelerated technical evolution provides, happily, an increasing number of new possibilities which may provide solution to solve some of the new problems induced by the new operational needs. aE In the past years THOMSON-CSF has gained a well recognized leadership in aircraft electronic display systems development by following this process, and by, at the same time, refering constantly to the unchanging human physical characteristics of pilots or other operators, "users to be" for such systems.
One of the main factor of the succes of this approach, has been that the readaptations of these systems has been thought, not in a static, but in a dynamic manner, where, the "time" parameter has received the primary importance it actually desserves. The introduction, by THOMSON-CSF, of COLOR in electronic dysplays is a good example of that. Indeed, color coding introduces a combination of chrominance and luminance contrasts on CRT screens which decreases both the delay and the risk of error in information seizure. dF In the same spirit, for the future generation of COMBAT AIRCRAFT DISPLAY Systems besides a huge CONTINUOUS effort for increasing SOFTWARE CAPABILITIES the main guide-lines retained by THOMSON-CSF for it's CONTINUOUS research of HARWARE ERGONOMY are : - to keep on trying to get as much advantage as possible from the use of COLOR, to use as necessary new technics such as holography, to try to increase the part of data presented in COLLIMATION, in order to reduce the problems of pilot eye reaccomodation delays between external environment observation and cockpit displays scanning.