An analytical model has been developed to investigate the shaped charge phenomena. In this paper, the analytical model is only used to predict the influence of each shaped charge factor on jet penetration process through a metallic target. The main factors are: (i) liner thickness, (ii) liner material, (iii) cone angle, (iv) type of explosive, and (v) stand-off distance between the charge base and target surface. An experimental program has been conducted to determine the effects of some shaped charge factors on its performance. These factors are: (a) liner material, (b) type of explosive, and (c) distance between charge base and target surface. Six shaped charges have been prepared and exploded at different distances from a steel target surface. For each tested shaped charge, the experimental measurements are concerned with the determination of the total depth of penetration and crater radius at the target surface. For each shaped charge factor, both the measured depth of penetration and crater radius at the steel target surface are compared with the corresponding predicted results of the model. Moreover, representative samples of the model predictions concerning with the effect of each factor on the shaped charge performance, using the data of some tested shaped charges, are presented and discussed. The present results show that the depth of penetration increases with the increase of: (i) liner thickness up to a value of 0.05 the charge base diameter at short standoff distances, (ii) density of liner material at short standoff distances, (iii) power of used explosive, and (iv) standoff distance. In addition, the crater radius at the target surface increases with the increase of power of used explosives, and decreases with the increase of density of liner material at short standoff distances