الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد، فهذا بحث بعنوان: (الإمام أَبو حَيّانِ الأَنْدَلُسِيِ وترجيحاته الفِقهيَّة في باب القصاص من خِلال کتابِه "البَحْرِ المحِيط فيِ التَفْسِير" ومنهج البحث في ترجيحاته يُجلِّي للباحثين طَريقتَه في التَّفقُّه، ومنهجَه العِلمي في الفتوى والاسْتِنبَاط، لا سيَّما وأنَّه قد جمعَ بين عِلمَي الحديثِ والفِقهِ، وبَرَزَ حرصُه في الترجيح المُستَنِدِ على الدَّليل، ونقدِ النُّقولِ، وتحقيقِ الأقوالِ مع اليُسرِ في العبارة، والبُعدِ عن التَّکلُّف والتَّعقيد، واهتمام الفُقَهاء -على اختلاف مذاهبهم، في سائرِ الأزمان- بنَقْلِ فِقه الإمام أبي حيان، مما يدلُّ على أهميَّتِها ومکانتها العِلمية، شأنُها شأنُ صاحبِها الإمامِ أبي حيان ؛ حيث يُعَدُّ مُجتهِدًا مُستنِدًا إلى الدَّليل، يُخالف في بعضِ مَسائلِه رأيَ الإمامِ وما عليه المعتَمَدُ من المذهبِ
Praise be to Allāh, the Lord of people, and blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad. This is a research entitled: (Imam Abu Hayyan al-Andalusi and his jurisprudential preferences in the section on retribution through his book “Al-bahr Al-muhit in Tafsir" and his method of research in his reasons in evident to the researchers, and the researcher is the one who verifies, and the method of research in his reason are clear to the researchers. Especially since he combined the two sciences of hadith and Fiqh, and highlighted his eagerness in the weighting based on evidence, the criticism of transmission, verification of sayings with ease in the phrase, and the distance from the allegiance and complexity, and the interest of the jurists - in the difference of their previous doctrines., Which indicates its importance and scholarly position, as is the case of its owner, Imam Abu Hayyan, as he is considered a mujtahid based on the evidence, and in some of his issues contradicts the opinion of the Imam and what is adopted by the school of thought.