Semen storage changes sperm synthesis and biochemical characteristics and hence hinders ferti-lizing ability. Mixture of two various sugar molecules appeared an improved positive impact on stored spermatozoa of different species. The current study aimed to investigate the effect of fructose, sucrose and raffinose supplementation to Tris-glucose-egg yolk extender (TGY) beside comparing their effect with the effect of commercial Triladyl® extender on bull' and ram' semen stored at 5 °C for 96 hours. The semen samples were pooled, extended and divided into five portions. TGY or Triladyl® extenders were diluted at rate 1 part of raw semen: 5 parts of the extender. The TGY diluent was split into four diluent parts in sterilized test tubes. TGY and Triladyl® extenders contained one type of sugar, while the other three extended semen samples contained two types of sugar including TGY plus 0.990 g fructose (TGYF), 0.700 g sucrose (TGYS) and 0.700 g raffinose (TGYR) /100ml extender. The ex-tended semen was stored at 5°C for 0, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours. The obtained data show that spermato-zoa parameters significantly (P < 0.01) decreased with increasing preservation period of all diluent samples. Meantime, supplementation with fructose, sucrose or raffinose with TGY extended samples improved significantly (P < 0.01) sperm properties (motility, livability with acrosomal status and normality, enzymatic actions of AST, ALT, LDH, and ALP, and sperm penetration ability for both bull and ram diluted semen. Concerning the sperm characteristics of the commercial Triladyl® extend-er, it was better than those of TGY without any supplementation for both bull and ram diluted semen.
In conclusion, the obtained results suggest that obtaining a reasonable and advantageous impact for the preservation of bull and ram spermatozoa could be acquired by using diluents containing a sugar blend. However, as these results depend on in vitro assessments, there is a need for further fertil-ity trials to confirm it.