Twenty four healthy Sohagi ewes averaged 46.40± 1.40 Kg body weight were used in a
comparative feeding trial to investigate the effect of feeding protein protected canola meal on
milk yield and composition and the suckling lambs' performance during lactation period (8
weeks). The canola meal was replaced 25% of the concentrate mixture (on DM basis). The
animals were divided randomly into three equal groups as: control (untreated canola meal, CM),
heated CM (T1) or sodium hydroxide treated CM (T2). Wheat straw was offered for all ewes as
a bulky ingredient with concentrates. Three digestibility trials were carried out to determine the
digestibility and feeds nutritive values of the experimental rations.
Results indicated that digestibility of DM , OM and all nutrients , except CF , were
significantly higher with tested rations than the control one and that heat treatment was superior.
Similar trends among treatments were occurred with feeding values (TDN & DCP). The ewes
reached their maximum milk yield at the second week of location, and then gradually decreased
till the end of location. Milk yield of T1 and T2 increased (P<0.01) by 17.5 and 6.85 %,
respectively, compared with control group. Milk fat percentage gradually increased with
advancing stage of lactation where it averaged 5.46, 5.72 and 5.59 % for control , T1 and T2,
respectively with significant differences among them . The values of milk protein content and
daily protein yield were significantly (P<0.01) superior for T1 followed by T2 then control.
Milk energy content in T1 and T2 were significant (P<0.01) higher than that of control. The
highest (P<0.01) weaning weight and daily gain for lambs were recorded with T1, followed by
T2 then control .
It could conclude that protein protection of canola meal had beneficial effect on ewes
and their suckling lambs. Meanwhile, heat treatment is more efficient than sodium hydroxide.