Body condition was measured weekly for sixty two Border Licester Merino
ewes delivered in Kuwait. Scores of body condition, as a measure of nutritional status,
were collected until lambing. The Body condition score at lambing demonstrated a
clinically meaningful influence on the colostrom concentration collected from the ewes
within twelve hours post lambing, that did not reach statistical significance. Ewes with
scores ranged from 2.5 to 3.5 were superior regarding IgG concentration than those
either scored higher or lower than this range. Lambs that were born to ewes with body
condition score of 2.5-3.5 at lambing weaned heavier than those were born to ewes of
either higher or lower body condition score at lambing (BCSL) (p= 0.02). Weaning
weights (95 days post partum) for these lambs were heavier because of the quality of
colostrum they were fed.
Sex of lambs born did not affect the quality of colostrum. In general, it was
found that colostrum belong to ewes that gave twins was of higher quality than
colostrum of ewes that gave singles. Although difference was not significant, male
lambs tended to be born heavier than female lambs whether they were born single or
twins. Male lambs weaned heavier than female lambs (23.7 Kg vs. 20.65 Kg,
respectively) at the age of 95 days.
Time of milk collection was demonstrated to be a significant factor in
colostrum concentration. Samples that were collected closer to the time of lambing had
higher colostrum concentration (p=0.002).