The present study aimed to define the effect of partial replacement of berseem hay (BH) with groundnut vine hay (GVH) (Arachishypogaea L.), on some haematological, biochemical, thyroid hormone parameters of Barki ewes blood. Reproductive hormones, growth performance, economic efficiency and mortality rates of the new born lambs were also estimated. Twenty-eight mature healthy Barki ewes at late pregnancy were used in the experimental work. Ewes randomly divided into four similar groups according to body weight (7 ewes each). Ewes in the first group fed berseem hay and concentrate feed mixture (control), the second, third and fourth groups fed concentrate feed mixture and increasing rates of groundnut vine hay that replacing 25% (GVH-25), 50% (GVH-50) and 75% (GVH-75) of berseem hay, respectively. Blood hematological parameters as hemoglobin Hb, packed cell volume PCV%, white blood cells WBCs and red blood cell RBCs and biochemical parameters (as glucose, total protein, albumin, globulin, triglycerides, total cholesterol, aspartate-aminotransferase AST, alanine-aminotransferase ALT, Urea-N, creatinine and thyroid hormone) of Barki ewes during late pregnancy and early suckling. Growth performance and reproductive hormone (follicle stimulating hormone FSH and luteinizing hormone LH) were estimated for new born lambs and mortality rates were also calculated.
The obtained results indicated slight differences due to dietary treatments regarding final live body weight, total gain and daily gain. Feed conversion efficiency had nearly similar values. While, the best result was recorded with ration contained 75% GVH followed by 50% GVH and 25% GVH and lastly control. Economic efficiency improved with treated rations compared to the control group.
Most blood parameter values appeared in favor to the dietary treatments vs. control. Differences of most hematological parameters of ewes fed different levels of groundnut vines hay (GVH) were significant. Results indicated that levels of Hb (g/dl) and PCV% values were differed significantly (p<0.05) but, count of WBCs and RBCs not significantly differ. Moreover, significant differences were recorded for the activity of T3 hormone, while FSH and LH concentration in lambs were insignificantly affected by treatments.
Minor changes were noticed among the treated and control groups in glucose, total protein, triglyceride, total cholesterol, AST and ALT levels, though some differences were significant. There were significant (P<0.05) differences in urea-N level due to physiological status with highest values during late pregnancy followed by early suckling.
Moreover, significant differences were recorded for the activity of T3 hormone