تستهدف الدراسة بيان دور الإعلام في تعزيز ثقافة الحوار في الدول العربية والإسلامية، وتعتمد الدراسة الحالية على المنهج الوصفي لملاءمته لطبيعة هذه الدراسة ولما له من مزايا عديدة أهمها عدم اقتصاره على جمع وجدولة البيانات عن موضوع الدراسة بل سعيه إلى تحليل وتفسير هذه البيانات والخروج منها باستنتاجات ذات دلالة ومعنى تفيد في تقديم حلول واقعية لمشکلة الدراسة. ومن أهم ما توصلت إليه الدراسة:
- تعد تنمية ثقافة الحوار من أبرز الوظائف التي ينبغي أن تؤديها وسائل الإعلام خاصة في العصر الحالي، ويعد اکتساب آداب التعبير عن الرأي والالتزام بها مؤشرا يمکن من خلاله الحکم على وجود ثقافة کيفية التعبير عن الرأي من عدمها وکذلک اکتساب ثقافة الحوار وآلياته. کما لم يعد الإعلام ترفًا، بل أصبح ضرورةً، لا يمکن للناس أن تستغني عنه، وهو وإن اصطلح على أنه "السلطة الرابعة" لکنه في الحقيقة صاحب التأثير الأول. وللإعلام دور محوري ومهم في صياغة الرسائل الکلية للأمة وتبنِّي قضاياها وحماية ثقافتها، وصيانة مقومات هويَّتها، فضلاً عن توعية الإنسان بالمتغيرات المعاصرة، وتبصيره بالتحديات المحيطة.
Mohammed bin Abdullah Eid Al Baqmi
Study Title: The Role of Media in Arab and Islamic Countries in Promoting Culture of Dialogue
Objectives of the study:
1-To clarify the role of the media in promoting the culture of dialogue in the Arab and Islamic countries.
2-Statement of what is meant by dialogue and the position of Muslims today and what the other view of it.
3-To reveals the philosophy of the media and how it can foster a culture of dialogue.
4-Defining the culture of dialogue in the Arab and Islamic countries.
5-Clarifying the reality of the media in the Arab and Islamic countries.
Study Approach:
The present study relies on the descriptive methodology, for its suitability to the nature of this study, and because of its many advantages, the most important of which is not only to collect and tabulate data on the subject of the study, but to seek to analyze and interpret these data and come up with meaningful conclusions and useful to provide realistic solutions to the problem of the study.
The most important findings of the study:
1-The development of a culture of dialogue is one of the most important functions that the media should perform, especially in the present era.
2-The acquisition of ethics of expression of opinion and commitment to it is an indicator from which to judge the existence of a culture of how to express opinion or not, as well as the acquisition of a culture of dialogue and mechanisms.
3-The media is no longer a luxury, but has become a necessity, people cannot do without it, which although it was termed as the "fourth power", but in fact has the first effect.
4-The media has a pivotal and important role in shaping the nation's overall messages, adopting its issues, protecting its culture, preserving the elements of its identity, as well as raising human awareness of contemporary variables and insight into the surrounding challenges.
5-The concept of information extends to include many means and tools aimed at the public to communicate specific information, to a target audience.