Background: Although benign bone tumors, osteomyelitis, and locally malignant tumors are potential to be locally aggressive. Various treatment approaches, such as aspiration and injection, en bloc resection, open curettage, and other methods like sclerotherapy, and embolization are described but the most appropriate treatment should be selected after considering the risk of tumor recurrence and treatment complications. Endoscopic curettage (ESC) may be a less invasive alternative to open curettage for benign bone tumors, locally malignant swelling and osteomyelitis with minimal complications and good function output. I will describe the use of ESC for the treatment of bone lesions and report my clinical outcomes, including the rate of recurrence, time to consolidation, complications, and functional outcomes.
Patient and Methods: Between march 2017 and April 2019 patients 40 patients underwent ESC for the treatment of osteocytic lesion (benign , locally malignant and osteomyelitis ) at our unit with mean postoperative follow-up, 24 months. ESC was performed with extended curettage with or without bone graft or cement. The modified Neer classification And MSTS scoring system were used for follow up.
Results: By MSTS scoring system, 39 had have excellent results and the remaining 11 case had persistent pain duo to some reason. The modified Neer classifications was used for follow up. There is no relation between tumor size and recurrence.
Conclusion: Endoscopy plays a role of good visualization, assessment and decrease recurrent rate with good functional outcomes.