Floods are considered one of the worst weather-related natural disasters. They are sudden and highly unexpected following brief period of heavy rain. Egypt is subjected to flash floods, their impact vast areas causing serious damages with thousands of human injuries, economic losses and heavy damage to man-made features. According to the importance and criticality of severe rains that may lead to floods that make us thinking about making flood management to avoid risks resulting from it. Flood management is an approach that is virtually unknown in Egypt and has not been widely discussed despite the growing problem of widespread flood damage in recent years. This study aims to evaluate the comprehensive of flash flooding occurrences, impacts, and possible mitigation on the Airports. In this study, Alexandria (Borg El-Arab district) was selected for flash flooding vulnerability assessment, because it is a coastal city and exposed to heavy rains for long periods causing floods, especially Borg El-Arab international airport, it's about 49 km away from Alexandria city in the southwestern direction, and it is 14 km away from the new city of Borg El Arab in the eastern direction. It was established to relieve Alexandria International Airport, the area of the airport is about 43,669 square meters, the airport served about 189,064 passengers and this number is expected to rise especially after the opening of the new terminal, Runway and other buildings in the airport. Using digital elevation model (DEM) implemented into a Geographic Information System (GIS), the climate maps and metalogical data of this study can help initiating appropriate measures to mitigate the probable hazards in the area. During this research review the impact of floods, how they predict their occurrence to the Disaster Risk Reduction and avoid of danger impacts on vital areas in cities through surveying techniques. how to protect the assets and infrastructure of the airport by predicting the crisis appropriate to mitigate the probable hazards in the airport.
يعتبر النقل الجوي من أفضل وسائل السفر ولکن أصبح غير موثوق به بسبب عوامل کثيرة , تم اختيار الإسکندرية لتقييم مدى تعرضها للفيضانات ، لأنها مدينة ساحلية ومعرضة للأمطار الغزيرة. تم استخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) وعمل التحليلات لتقييم مخاطر الفيضانات وتم عمل نمذجة للفيضانات من خلال الاستشعار عن بعد ، و بيانات الأرصاد الجوية التى تساعد على إنشاء نظام إنذار مبکر
وتهدف الدراسة إلى التنبؤ بحدوث الفيضانات و التحکم في المخاطر الناتجة عنها باستخدام تقنية تحليل متعددة المعايير من خلال دراسة الخرائط المناخية و عمل أنظمة حماية و تجميع لمياه الامطار بحيث لا تؤثر على البنية التحتية في المطار.
وقد تم عمل دراسة شاملة للفيضانات في مطار برج العرب وتوفير نظام محاکاة ديناميکي لتحديد أماکن ومستويات السيول , القضاء على التعديات و إزالة العوائق في الوديان وعمل حملات توعية عن مخاطر السيول وکيفية التعامل معها .