The world has always faced various crises and problems that developed and got worse thereafter to
be a disaster, which resulted in the destruction of humanity and threatening its stability, much less the
material and moral damages. Disasters affect various parts of the world. They are divided into natural
disasters such as earthquakes, floods, high temperatures, droughts, etc., and man-made disasters such
as wars, pollution, destruction, epidemics, etc., leaving behind destroyed buildings and homeless
people. The kinds of disasters have increased and new ones, indirectly affecting people and society
and harming its equilibrium, have appeared over time. They are called the "Indirect community
disasters," which in turn cause damage no less serious than other natural or man-made disasters.
Arab countries in general, and Egypt in particular, suffer from many indirect disasters such as drug
addiction, unemployment, street children, congestion and overcrowding, illiteracy, dropping out of
education, population displacement and others. In the event of a disaster, different emergency shelter
techniques are urgently resorted to in order to reduce the aggravation of the disaster and to shelter
those affected. Also, in the case of indirect (community) disasters, emergency sheltering techniques
should be applied to control the disaster and reduce its aggravation. Urgent shelter is not limited to
providing temporary housing for the homeless, but its comprehensive concept is "the Urgent
containment economically, socially, physically and educationally." Thus, if states are able to apply
the concept of emergency sheltering in the right sense properly in the case of (direct and indirect)
disasters, they will ensure the stability and safety of their people.
This paper discusses the direct and indirect disasters and the difference between them, and the urgent
shelter used in disasters of all kinds. It also deals with the disasters that hit the governorate of North
Sinai, specifically the city of Al-Arish since 2010 until 2017 (namely Al-Arish Floods 2010), as a
direct disaster, and the displacement of the people of Rafah and Sheikh Zuweid as an indirect
يعاني السکان في انحاء کثيرة من العالم من الکوارث بأشکال ھا المختلفة سواء مباشرة مثل الکوارث الطبيعية ، الحروب .. وغيرھا ،
أو کوارث غير مباشرة ( مجتمعية ) مثل النزوح ، البطالة ، الأمية .. وغيرھا ، التي تسبب دمار کبير في الموارد البشرية ،
والطبيعية، والاقتصادية، کما ينتج عن الکوارث بأنواعھا خلل في الأنظمة ودمار وخسائر متعددة في الممتلکات والبشر، وايضا تشرد
المجتمعات والافراد، لذلک يتم اللجوء بشکل فوري بعد الکوارث للإيواء العاجل للحد من أضرار ا لکارثة والتقليل من نسبة الخسائر،
وايواء المتضررين بشکل عاجل .
وتتعرضالمحافظات المصرية لعدة أنواع من الکوارث المختلفة منھ ا ما ھو مباشر کالسيول، والزلازل والزحف الرملي ، ومنھا ما
ھو غير مباشر کالنزوح السکاني ، والتسرب من التعليم ، والأمية .
تتناول ھذه الورقة البحثية الکوارث المباشرة وغير المباشرة و الفرق بينھما ، و يتعرف على الايواء العاجل المستخدم في حالات
الکوارث بأنواعھا ،و يتناول ايضا الکوارث التي اصابت محافظة شمال سيناء – تحديدا مدينة العريش ،وھي سيول العريش ٢٠١٠
ککارثة مباشرة ، ونزوح اھم مدينتي بمحافظة شمال سيناء " رفح والشيخ زويد" ککارثة غير مباشرة ، ثم تتناول الورقة مجموعة
النتائج التي تم التوصل اليھا وبعضالتوصيات اللازمة لمعالجة مثل ھذه الامور.