The objective of the present study is to assess educational deprivation and estimate the incidence of multidimensional poverty in Egypt. Poverty alleviation, for both poor and vulnerable groups, should be the most important issue on the agenda of the decision maker because of its relevance for economy and society as a whole. Therefore, this study aims at identifying the most important characteristics that can be relied upon in order to distinguish the poor from the non-poor in Egypt. It also reveals that the main policies that would help in the alleviation of poverty are education reform, activating the role of women in society, paying more attention to rural areas, increasing the role of the private sector in financing the social safety net, and developing an efficient system to target the poor.
Therefore, the present study highlights the role of education in alleviating the incidence of poverty while offering the government some policy recommendations for constructing Poverty Reduction
The main hypothesis on which the present study is based is that inclusive education of good quality is the best means to overcome future learning deficiencies among youth and adults and, consequently, to reduce poverty rates. The methodology used in this research focuses on the analytical inductive method
The present study is divided into three sections. Section 1 provides an overview of poverty trends in Egypt. Section 2 deals with the idea of inclusive education. Section 3 the impact of inclusive education on poverty, In addition, it offers a set of case studies of local and international best practices in the realm of education and business partnerships in educational enterprises.