A total number of eight Baladi goats (Capra hircus)of both sexes aged between 11-18 months-old were used to describe the histological structure of the ruminal wallin addition to investigate the immunohistochemical localization and distribution of ki-67, caspase 3 and vimentin. The results revealed no sex differences in the ruminal wall histology or immunohistochemistry.Histologically, the ruminal wall consisted of mucosa-submucosa, muscularis and serosa. The mucosaof the rumen was thrown into ruminal papillae that were coveredby keratinized epithelium. The submucosa was consisted of loose connective tissue lacking glands. Circular and longitudinal smooth muscle layers were the components ofmuscularis however, the rumen was surrounded externally by typical serosa. The immunohistochemical study was done using theavidin-biotin immunoperoxidase method. Ki-67 immunostaining was limited to nuclei of basal cells layer in the ruminal epitheliumwhich explained the importanceof ki-67 in epithelial cells proliferation as well askeratin biosynthesis. Caspase 3 immunostaining was localized in cytoplasm and nuclei of some epithelial cells that were going to apoptosis.The vimentinimmunostaining was widely spread in epithelial cells as well as,fibroblasts in propria and submucosa, and endothelia of blood vessels.This showed theimportance of vimentin asan intermediate filament protein. Detection of vimentin in the glial cells of enteric plexuses indicatedits supportive role in the nervous control of the rumen. Overall, the histological and immunohistochemical findings of this study explainedthe structure-function relationship of the rumen of Baladi goats