Ceropegia woodii is a flowering plant in the genus Ceropegia L. which is one of the largest plant groups in the family Asclepiadaceae (Apocynaceae). The aim of this study is to develop an efficient protocol for the rapid in vitro micropropagation, caulogensis and in vitro tuberization of Ceropegia woodii Plants via enhanced axillary bud proliferation from single nodal explants cultured on full strength MS medium, 30g/l sucrose, 4g/l gelrite augmented with various concentrations of plant growth regulators as BA, NAA, IBA and their combinations. In general, the present study concluded that the best results for the initiation stage were recorded on MS medium fortified with NAA and BA at 2.00 and 0.50 mg/l, respectively. Meanwhile, supplemented medium with BA and NAA at 1.00 and 0.50 mg/l, respectively, gave rise to the best results for the multiplication stage. Regarding the rhizogenesis stage, the best results were recorded when the neoformed shoots of the multiplication stage were divided singly and cultured on MS medium plus IBA and NAA at 1.00 and 0.50 mg/l, respectively which led to the highest mean number of roots formed per propagule. For callus induction, the leave segments were cultured in to MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of BA and NAA. Meanwhile, supplemented medium with BA and NAA at 1.00 and 0.50 mg/l, respectively, gave rise to the best results for caulogensis stage. Concerning the percentage of explants formed callus and callus size, the best results obtained from BA and NAA at 0.50 mg/l and 2.00 mg/l, respectively for callus formation percentage, with high and intensive size and compact green colour and for callus size formed per propagule. The tuber induction medium was based on1/2 strength MS fortified with different combinations of sucrose and BA, gelled using 4 gm/l gelrite. Concerning The highest mean value of in vitro tuberization percentage, a number of in vitro formed tubers, highest mean of in vitro formed tubers weight and diameter was recorded at 8.00 mg/l BA and sucrose at 60g/l. Neoformed plantlets were acclimatized ex vitro and in vivo vigorously in a mixture of perlite and peatmoss at (1:1) or (2: 1) or (3: 1) or (2:3) and (3:3) consecutively, in addition to fixed volume (1 portion) of sand; which resulted in the highest mean value of survival percentage/plant (100%) and showed true-to-type plants ex vitro.