Background: Canines are considered an excellent tool to distinguish gender in criminological investigations, since they are the most likely surviving parts of a victim's body in case of disasters. This study investigated sexual dimorphism by comparing the mesiodistal & labiolingual dimensions of mandibular & maxillary permanent canines and inter-canine dimension in a sample of Egyptian people.
Aim: To establish a reliable method for gender discrimination of un-identified adult victims.
Materials and Methods: Study casts of 24 males & 24 females were acquired from the Archives of Orthodontics department, of Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams University, Egypt. Canine's width, thickness and inter-canine dimension (ICD) were recorded, on dental casts by a digital caliper.
Results: No significant dissimilarity was found between left and right canines in males or females. Gender dimorphism was greater in upper right canine regarding the mesiodistal dimensions (MD) dimension, and greater in lower right canine regarding labiolingual (LL) dimension. The ICD measurement in both arches was found to be significantly more in males. The maxillary & mandibular canine's MD were significantly more in males. Also, the maxillary & mandibular canine's LL dimensions were significantly more in males.
Conclusions: Male gender was established to a degree of 95% if the MD dimension of the maxillary canine is more than 8.29 mm and if its LL dimension is more than 8.54mm. while in the lower arch, when the MD of the mandibular canine is more than 7.29 mm and its LL is more than 7.77mm.