مستخلص الدراسة
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تسليط الضوء على منهج ابن عبد الحکم في کتابه فتوح مصر وأخبارها ، وقد مهد الباحث باختصار عن العصر الذي عاش فيه ابن عبد الحکم، وشهرته وأسرته بروايه الحديث، وجمعه الکثير من الروايات الخاصة بمصر، والتي ساعدته في تأليف هذا الکتاب ، وتقسيمه الکتاب إلى سبعة أقسام وإعطائه صورة واضحة عن فتح مصر ، واتباعه طريقة الإسناد في ذکر الرواية، وذکره للکثير من الرواة، أما في فتح الأندلس فلم يکثر من ذکر الرواة بل عرضها بنظرة أکثرة شمولية، وهذا يرجع إلى کثرة الروايات التي توفرت لابن عبد الحکم من الوافدين من الأندلس وقارن بينها وبين ما وجد في مصر من روايات عنها، ووضع لنفسه منهجًا موضوعيًا يدون فيه ما استخلصه من نتائج بعد المقارنه بين الروايات.
The purpose of this study is to highlight the approach of Ibn Abd al-Hakam in his book (The history of the conquest of Egypt, North Africa and Spain) that Known as Fath Misr wa akhbārahā of Ibn Abd al-Hakam, The study will examine (Fath al-Andalus as a model), The researcher gave a short summary of the era in which Ibn Abd al-Hakam lived, and the fame that he and his family obtained by the narration of hadith, In addition to, Many of the Historical Novels about Egypt what he has collected and which helped him to write this book, As Ibn Abd al-Hakam is considered the first historian who had written about Local or regional history at the time,The research contained the approach of Ibn Abd al-Hakam in his historical writing about the conquest of Egypt, and how he divided his book into seven sections. Ibn Abd al-Hakam presented a clear and integrated image of the conquest of Egypt, Besides he followed the method of attribution in the narration of novels.
The researcher also dealt with the method of Ibn Abd al-Hakim in his introduction about the conquest of Egypt and the way he divided topics into elements and many narrators who he had introduced them during the novel, Although He had mentioned a little of narrators in his introduction about the conquest of Andalusia , but he presented it with a more comprehensive view.
The study also shows that the reason for this is due to the many stories that were be available to Ibn Abd al-Hakam by the immigrants from Andalusia, He compared them with the novels he found in Egypt, He established a subjective approach for himself to record his findings after comparing the novels.