Histopathological changes in liver, kidney and spleen of BALB/c mice were studied. Results indicated that animals treated with crude extract of aflatoxins (9mg /kg b.w) then with Panax ginseng aqueous crude extract (150mg / kg b.w.) (Post treatment), and animals treated with ginseng extract (100mg / kg b.w.) then treated with crude extract of aflatoxins (9 mg / kg b.w.) (Pretreatment) by oral gavage appeared the best results as shown in histpathological sections compared with control. Mouse liver treated with(9mg/kg b.w) of crude aflatoxins showed degenerative effect and necrotic cells with inflammatory cells infiltration near the central vein. Pathological changes at the groups treated with P. ginseng extracts(150 and 50 mg) then (9 mg/kgb.w) crude aflatoxins showed degenerative effect inside hepatocyte with depletion of glycoprotein granules and apoptotic cells. While treating with (100mg/kg) crude extract was showed look-like normal structure appearance of hepatic tissue. Pathological changes at the groups treated with AFs extract (9mg/kgb.w) then crude extracts of P. ginseng(150 mg/kgb.w) showed mild degenerative changes of hepatocyte cells compared with (100mg/kgb.w) dose which showed normal cells. Whereas, (50 mg/kgb.w) showed certain necrosis area of hepatocyte and inflammatory cells infiltration. Pathological changes in mouse kidney treated with (150mg/kgb.w) crude extract of P. ginseng then treated with (9mg/kgb.w) AFs extract showing apoptotic and degenerative changes of renal epithelial cells, while pretreatment with (100mg/kgb.w) crude extract showing certain epithelial cells of renal tubule with some apoptotic cells, whereas(50mg/kg) crude extract of plant extract shows normal appearance with mild apoptotic cells and congestion. The post treatment animal's kidney with (150mg/kgb.w) plant extract shows few cells of renal tubules and congestion while post treatment with (100mg/kgb.w)crude extract of P. ginseng showing normal structure appearance which consist of glomeruli and renal tubules. While few cells of renal tubules and congestion which appeared in kidney waspost treated with (50mg/kgb.w).
Histopathological examination of mouse spleen treated with(9mg/kgb.w) AFs crude extract showing degenerative and necrosis of splenic parenchymal tissue and shrinkage of white pulp with hemorrhage. Pretreatment animal with (150mg/kgb.w)crude extract of P. ginseng showing splenic tissue with hyperplasia of white pulp surrounded by hemorrhage, while pretreatment with(100mg/kg b.w) revealed hyperplasia of white pulp surrounded by reactive fibrosis. Whereas(50mg/kg b.w) crude extract of P. ginseng pretreatment showing look-like normal structure appearance of white and red pulp. On the other hand, the post treatment with (150mg/kg b.w) or (100mg/kg b.w) crude extract showing widening of white pulp and reduction in red pulp. Otherwise, the post treatment with(50mg/kg b.w) crude extract of P. ginseng showing look-like normal structure with slight widening of white pulp.