Background and Objective: Arthropods discovered at a forensic scene are thought to provide vital evidence regarding the time and place of death, the victim's possible antemortem or postmortem treatment, drugs, toxins, Scorpion envenomation, digoxin and so on. Although digoxin is used for treating a variety of heart problems, digoxin toxicity is clinically important as it can lead to mortal cardiac arrhythmias. Scorpion (Leiurus quinquestriatus) is one of the maximum risky scorpions in the world, which also causes cardiotoxic effects. The aim of this investigation is to evaluate the toxic effect of scorpion venom and digoxin on the human cardiovascular system and a comparative study between the death and decomposition of rat carrions in a natural way, scorpion stings and the toxicity of digoxin. Materials& Methods: The present study consisted of two parts; the first part; describe ECG findings of the toxic effect of scorpion venom and digoxin on human and the second part; decomposition arthropods succession using rat carrions. Results: A total of 100cases attended the emergency department of Internal Medicine Assiut University Hospital during the period from March 2020 to August 2021 (50 normal, 26 scorpion envenomation and 24 digoxin toxicity. 71% (18) of patients diagnosed by digitalis Toxicity presented by scoping of T wae; 29 % (6) presented by heart block. 65% (17) patients diagnosed by scorpion bite presented by myocarditis and 35%(9) patients presents by a variable degree of AV and intraventricular block.
The venom apparatus of the Scorpion(Leiurus quinquestriatus) has morphological and histological desecrations. The current results revealed that the forensically important arthropods, represented by fourteen taxa, belong to the phylum Arthropoda and 11 families.
Conclusion: The present investigation considered a step forwarded and a basis for further works dealing with arthropods colonization and decomposition of carrions.further studies would be directed toward
investigating try to trace the digoxin or scorpion venom ( in the form of nanoparticles) inside the tissue of arthropod larvae.