This study reveals the importance of temporary aquatic habitats as crucial breeding sites for local anuran species that are gradually declining due to the continuous sand-filling of wetlands in Ajah, Nigeria. Out of the 22 pools at the study site, all of these were used for reproduction (amplexus and oviposition), 19 (86%) of these pools had metamorphoses while 3 (14%) had none observed. A total of six anuran species were observed at the site namely; Hoplobatrachus occipitalis, Ptychadena pumilio, P. bibroni, Phrynobatrachus latifrons, Xenopus muelleri and Amietophrynus regularis. The larvae of H. occipitalis, P. pumilio, Phrynobatrachus latifrons and A. regularis metamorphosed every year with A. regularis metamorphosing in the largest number of pools compared to other species. There were no significant (F0.05, 2, 15 = 0.012) difference observed between the years (2008, 2009 and 2010) of surveys (P > 0.05). But however, there was a significant (F0.01, 5, 12 = 59.754) difference between the number of species observed breeding (P < 0.01). The types of pools had a significant effect (F0.05, 2, 15 = 3.921) on the number of anuran species breeding in them at P < 0.05. While all species bred in the small and medium sized pools, X. muelleri did not use the small sized pools and only H. occipitalis and A. regularis made use of the large sized pools. The abiotic factors and the biotic factors did not have significant (P > 0.05) effect on the number of species and all had a positive (r > 0) association. These habitats are of crucial importance for anuran propagation. To prevent the extinction of local species, urgent planning is needed to conserve these systems of temporary pools.