تناول البحث الذي بين أيدينا ملامح الاتجاه الوجداني عند شاعر کبير من رواد الرومانتيکية في بلده الکويت وهو الشاعر فهد العسکر حيث يعد الشاعر أحد أعلام الرومانسية وقد ظهر ذلک جليًا في ولوعه بالطبيعة والمرأة وسيطرة الکآبة وشيوع حالة من الحزن في بعض قصائده، والثورة على تقاليد المجتمع، والتي کانت سببا في أن يصير الشاعر منبوذا في مجتمعه، وهو المجتمع المحافظ في الجزيرة العربية الذي يأبى الخروج على العادادت والتقاليد لا سيّما الإسلامية منها، کما ظهر في بعض شعره منشغلا بقضايا الوطن في حديثه عن المهاجرين إلى الجزيرة العربية وکيف يشعر بعض السکان الأصليين بالغبن بعد دخول الأجانب إلى بلاده ، وقد حاول البحث أن يميط اللثام عن هذه الملامح من خلال قراءة ديوان الشاعر ورصد اقتفاءه لهذا الاتجاه، وبعد لأي فإنّي قد توصلت في بحثي هذا إلى أن العسکر وإن کان من دعاة التجديد إلا أنه ظل متمسکًا بکثير من الأصول الکلاسيکية في شعره؛ فنراه يحافظ على الوزن الواحد والقافية الموحدة في جلّ أشعاره، کما اتسم معجمه الشعري بالنزوع إلى القديم فبدا متأثرا بألفاظ الشعر العربي في قرونه الأولى، وبدا متأثرًا في خيالالته بالتراث العربي، ولعل ذلک بسبب بيئته الصحراوية التي تجلُّ تراثها الشعري، فبرغم محاولات التجديد إلا أن القديم قد ظل مترسخا في وجدانه باديًا في أسلوبه، ومما يلفت النظر أن شاعرنا قد عدل عن التقليد القديم وهو البدء بمقدمة غزلية طللية إلى مقدمة أخرى وصفية يصف فيها مظاهر الطبيعة من حوله ثم يتخلص إلى غرضه الرئيس فبدا مجددا لم يفلت من أسر التراث.
The research that we have before us deals with the features of the sentimental trend of a great poet who pioneered romanticism in his country of Kuwait, the poet Fahd Al-Askar, where the poet is considered one of the figures of romanticism, and this was evident in his passion for nature and women, the dominance of melancholy and the prevalence of a state of sadness in some of his poems, and the revolution against The traditions of society, which was a reason for the poet to become an outcast in his society, which is the conservative society in the Arabian Peninsula that refuses to depart from customs and traditions, especially Islamic ones, as it appeared in some of his poetry preoccupied with the issues of the homeland in his talk about immigrants to the Arabian Peninsula and how some residents feel The originals were unjust after the entry of foreigners into his country, and the research tried to unravel these features by reading the poet's diwan and monitoring his tracing of this direction, and after which, in this research, I came to the conclusion that the military, even though it was one of the advocates of renewal, still adhered to many of the origins classic in his poetry; We see him maintaining a single weight and a unified rhyme in most of his poems, as his poetic lexicon was characterized by a tendency to the old, so it seemed to be influenced by the words of Arabic poetry in its first centuries, and it seemed to be affected in its imagination by the Arab heritage, and perhaps this is because of its desert environment, which manifests its poetic heritage, despite attempts to renew, but the old He has remained deeply rooted in his conscience, evident in his style, and it is remarkable that our poet has changed the old tradition, which is to start with a flirtatious introduction to another descriptive preface in which he describes the manifestations of nature around him and then gets rid of his main purpose, so it seemed again that he did not escape the captivity of heritage.