لقد أنعم الله على نبيه r بالفصاحة والبلاغة فکان أفصح العرب قاطبة فقال عنه مولاه (عَلَّمَهُ شَدِيدُ الْقُوَى) وقال r عن نفسه. (أنا أفصح العرب بيد أني من قريش) وفي هذا البحث أتناول نماذج من خطبه r فاخترت نموذجا من خطبه المکية وکان أول خطبة له بمکة، وکذلک نموذجا من خطبه بالمدنية، وکان أول خطبة جمعة له r بالمدينة، وقد امتازت الخطبة المکية بالقصر حيث راعى فيها النبي r حال المخاطبين، کذلک امتازت بالسجع وقصر الجمل، وامتازت بکثرة المؤکدات. أما خطبته بالمدينة فقد امتازت بالطول وجاءت العبارات طويلة واستخدم النبي r فيها الکثير من الألوان البلاغية کالإيجاز والإطناب، والطباق والجناس وقد وظف النبي r لخدمة المعنى الذي أراد إيصاله للمخاطبين.
: God blessed his Prophet, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, with eloquence and eloquence, and he was the most eloquent of all Arabs. His master said about him: (Taught him with mighty power). And he, peace be upon him, said about himself: (I am the most eloquent of the Arabs, but I am from Quraysh). In this research, I will discuss examples of his sermons, may God's prayers and peace be upon him. I chose a model from his Meccan sermons, and it was his first sermon in Mecca. And also an example of his sermons in Medina, and his first Friday sermon, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, was in Medina.
The Meccan sermon was characterized by its shortness, in which the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, took into account the condition of the addressees. As for his sermon in Medina, it was characterized by length, and the phrases were long. The Prophet, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, used many rhetorical colors in it: brevity, overstatement, counterpoint, and alliteration. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was employed to serve the meaning that he wanted to convey to the addressees.