غاية هذه الدراسة هي بيان موقف ابن مالک الأندلسي من آراء النحويين واختلاف کلمتهم في باب التوابع، من خلال کتابه الموسوم بـ(شرح التسهيل)، وهو کتاب حافل بنقل آراء أعلام النحويين السابقين على اختلاف مذاهبهم، وبخاصة آراء البصريين والکوفيين، ولم يکن ابن مالک مجرد ناقل لهذه الآراء وغيرها، بل کان يشرحها ويناقشها، فيتفق معها حينًا، ويختلف معها حينًا، ويُرجح بعضها على بعض حينًا آخر.
وقد اشتملت هذه الدراسة على تعريف موجزٍ بـ(ابن مالک) وکتابه المذکور، ثمَّ عرض مسائل الخلاف بين النحويين ومناقشتها، وبيان موقف ابن مالک منها في ضوء ما ورد في مؤلفات النحويين واللغويين، مع بيان الرأي الراجح مؤيدًا بالدليل والبرهان ما أمکن.
Ibn Malik's position on the grammatical dispute in the chapter of the followers through his book Sharh Al-Tasheel
Presentation and discussion
Mohamed Mohamed Ahmed Abdel Bari
Faculty of Arabic Language in Menoufia, Al-Azhar University, Egypt.
E-mail : Mohamedabdelbary.lan@azhar.edu.eg
The purpose of this study is to clarify the mawgf of Ibn Malik Al-Andalusi regarding the views of the grammarians and the difference of their word in the chapter of the followers, through his book entitled (Explanation of Facilitation), which is a book full of transmitting the opinions of the most prominent of the former grammarians of different sects, especially the views of the Basrians and the Kufians, Ibn Malik was not just He was a transmitter of these mawgf and others, but he used to explain and discuss them, agreeing with them at times, disagreeing with them at times, and favoring some of them at another time.
This study included a brief introduction to (Ibn Malik) and his aforementioned book, then presented and discussed issues of disagreement between the grammarians, and a statement of Ibn Malik's position on them in light of what was stated in the books of grammarians and linguists, with an explanation of the correct opinion supported by evidence and proof as possible.