لقد تفجع الشعراء بموت أحمد شوقي لما له من منزل کبرى في قلوبهم، ولما لا وهو أميرهم وصاحب فضل عليهم، وتأثير کبير على فنهم، إذ هو إمام المحافظين وزعيم المجددين، باعث الشعر بعد ضعفه، ووطني أخلص لوطنه؛ فرفع راية مجده وخلد ذکره ، ومن ثم حينما سمع الشعراء خبر وفاته أحسوا بمرارة فقده، وبالفراغ الذي کان يملؤه شوقي في دفاعه عن وطنه وغيرته على العربية ،فأخذوا يسکبون عليه الدموع والعبرات حزنا وأسى، کما أقاموا الملتقيات والمحافل تکريما له وإحياء لذکراه.
ومن البديهي في فن الرثاء أن يُرثَى الفقيد بصفاته الخُلُقية والخِلْقية؛ لذا کان من اللافت للنظر أن يرکز الشعراء الباکين لشوقي على شعره وأعماله الأدبية، لاسيما أن هؤلاء الشعراء من مدارس أخرى غير التي کان يتزعمها شوقي، وکثير ما عارضوه في حياته واتهموه بالجمود، لکنهم على إثر موته ذکروا محاسن شعره واعترفوا بقيمته الفنية، فرجعوا إلى أنفسهم محافظين على ثوابت القصيدة العربية في رثائهم له، ولم يتمردوا على ذلک إلا في القليل النادر.
وخلاصة القول أن فن الرثاء من أقوى الفنون الشعرية عاطفة؛ لذا وجدنا الشعراء الباکين لشوقي قد أفصحوا عن هذا الشعور من خلال مراثيهم له، حيث جاء المعجم الشعري في تلک المراثى- عند الحديث عن شعره وموهبته الشعرية - فريدا، لقد لقبوه بألقاب ووصفوه بأوصاف لم ولن تکون إلا لأمير الشعراء أحمد شوقي.
الکلمات المفتاحية:
شوقي – شوقيا - نبي الشعر – أمير الشعراء - شاعر الکون – شاعر الدنيا- الساحر - عرش يتهدم - بکائيات – بکائياتهم- دولت الشعر- الفجيعة المخرسة -أميره وکبيره.
Poets talk about Shawqi poetry
Read their cries for him
Hamid Saad Ali Khudarji Jawish
Lecturer of Literature and Criticism, College of Studies Islamic and Arab boys in Desouk
Email: Hamedkhadragy782.el@azhar.edu.eg
Abstract: The poets were mourned by the death of Ahmed Shawky because of his great house in their hearts, and when he is not their prince and the owner of a favor over them, and a great influence on their art, as he is the imam of conservatives and the leader of the innovators, the emitter of poetry after his weakness, and my patriot is loyal to his homeland, so he raised the banner of his glory and immortalized his memory Then, when the poets heard the news of his death, they felt the bitterness of his loss, and the emptiness that was filled with my longing in defending his homeland and changing it to Arabia, so they poured tears and tears on him in grief and sorrow, and they held gatherings and forums in honor of him and to commemorate his memory.
It is evident in the art of lament that the deceased is inherited by his moral and ethical qualities. Therefore, it was remarkable that the weeping poets of Shawqi focus on his poetry and literary works, especially since these poets from other schools than the one that Shawqi was leading, and many in his life opposed him and accused him of stagnation, but they are on After his death, they mentioned the virtues of his poetry and recognized its artistic value, so they returned to themselves preserving the constants of the Arabic poem in their mourning for him, and they did not rebel against that except in a rare few.
In sum, the art of elegy is one of the strongest poetic arts with emotion. So we found the weeping poets of Shawqi to have expressed this feeling through their lamentations to him, as the poetic lexicon came in that Marathi - when talking about his poetry and his poetic talent - Farida.
key words:Shawky - Shawqia - the prophet of poetry - the prince of poets - the poet of the universe - the poet of the world - the magician - a throne collapsing - weeping - their cries - the state of poetry - the bereaved bereavement - his princess and his elder.