This study was carried out in Wadi EL- Technologia in Ismailia Governorate, Egypt, during 2010 and 2011 seasons. Washington Navel (N.O.), Valencia (V.O.) and Baladi orange (B.O.) trees budded on Sour orange (S.O.) and Volkamer lemon (V.L.) were grown in sandy soil under drip irrigation system from a well has salinty of (1100 ppm).This investigation aimed to study the effect of the two citrus rootstocks on vegetative growth, yield, fruit quality, leaf mineral content of the three studied scions as well as the effect of such scions on root system growth of both rootstocks. The obtained results indicated that, Volkamer lemon rootstock recorded the highest significant values of vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality except T.S.S% and ascorbic acid content . Sour orange rootstock gave the highest significant effect on values of leaf mineral content (N, P, K, Mg, Fe, Zn and Cu) however V.L. showed the highest significant value. while, Ca leaf content recorded insignificantly difference between both rootstocks. Leaf Mn, content was significantly the highest with S.O. in both seasons. Root fresh and dry weight were the highest significantly with V.L. rootstock. From the showed result, one can recorded that V.O. scion significantly increased the vigour of V.L. root fresh and dry weight. While, B.O. scion showed significantly the lowest vigoure of V.L. root fresh and dry weight. On the other hand, N.O. scion gave a midiate result between V.O. and B.O. scions on root fresh and dry weight.