The research to identify the impact of the training program held at the Desert Research Center en titled" hydroponics" ((Agriculture roofs) to change the level of knowledge of the trainees related to agriculture, water (Agriculture roofs), and to identify trainees in the program, and the most important problems faced by the trainees during the training , in addition compare what was actually gained and what to is expected , therefore it may be able to develop a proposal for a training program for the Agriculture roofs a questionnaire is made before and after the participants attending program held by the Desert Research Center among a large number of projects implemented by different bodies totally training programs thirty two trainees attending training it for four hours a day over consecutive days two (19 - 20) in January 2014.
Frequencies, Proportion, will cocoons test, used to data analysis.
The results of the analysis show that there is a change in the level of knowledge of the trainees with regard to agriculture, (the Agriculture roofs) compare with then prior the number of trainees knowledge has increased from 18%to 59.3% after attending the program. In general the notice of trainees attending to the program has in creased to almost 53%. Problems faced the trainees were that they were not able to visits agriculture roofs models and training on such system. This my help to comp air then knowledge before on often attending the program , the program used depends on theoretical, CDs and not used posters, demonstration of practical viewing and , posters or clarify the practical displays the results, clarification of practical experience , participation of trainees, thus other important issue uses such as cultivation methods, diseases and actual costs wear not available to trainees finally the program has evaluated the knowledge of trainees at the end of program whit out refining to then knowledge at the beginning the program.