ArticleTaxonomic Revision of Subgenus Lophanthophra Brooks and Paramegilla Friese (Hymenoptera – Apidae) of Egypt
ArticleTaxonomic Revision of Subgenus Lophanthophra Brooks and Paramegilla Friese (Hymenoptera – Apidae) of Egypt
ArticleRevision of Subfamilies “Acronictinae, Heliothinae, Metoponiinae, Noctuinae, Oncocnemidinae and Plusiinae” of Egypt (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)
ArticleRevision of Subfamilies “Acronictinae, Heliothinae, Metoponiinae, Noctuinae, Oncocnemidinae and Plusiinae” of Egypt (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)
ArticleA Review of the Egyptian Ant Flower Beetles Subfamilies Notoxinae and Tomoderinae (Coleoptera: Anthicidae)
ArticleA Review of the Egyptian Ant Flower Beetles Subfamilies Notoxinae and Tomoderinae (Coleoptera: Anthicidae)