The population fluctuation of the peach fruit fly, Bactrocera zonata on some mango varieties (early mature “Hendy & Founs"; medium mature “Zebdia & Awyesy" and late mature “Fagrklan & Kent") were studied throughout two successive seasons 2013/2014 at Abosoyr district, Ismailia. B. zonata has (two peaks) on med of July &August and (one peak) at end of July in early mature mango variety during the two successive seasons, respectively. In medium mature mango variety there were three one peak at the beginning of August and two peaks at late of August and September during the two successive seasons, respectively. Meanwhile, in case of late-mature mango varieties only one peak at the beginning and end of October were recorded in the two successive seasons, respectively.
Statistical analysis of variance in 2013 /2014 season showed combined effect of the weather factors to the ripping stage of the fruit revealed EV were high significant as (88.09 and 78.64%), (86.06 and 86.30%) and (80.19 and 81.90%) on B. zonata population in the three tested varieties (early, moderate and late varieties) compared with the three weather factors separately. In addition, the simple correlation during the second seasons between the maximum temperature and CTD of B. zonata was positive significant in early variety. While the medium-mature mango varieties, was significant between the maximum temperature and CTD number of B. zonata in medium mature mango variety during the two successive seasons , while the minimum temperatures and CTD number of B. zonata were significant and high significant during the two successive seasons, respectively. On the other hand, the simple correlation during the two seasons between relative humidity all tested mango varieties was insignificant and However late mango variety were insignificant between the maximum and minimum temperatures and CTD number of B. zonata .
From here we can say that both physiological and biological factors of fruits flies as well as the maturity states of the three varieties of mangoes play an integral role in environmental factor with presence of the in the pests in Ismailia governorate