Geniza is a Semitic name means the hidden things. The paper shows that the Geniza discovered in Cairo 1890. It takes its importance from saving a full formula of Koutopa (marriage contract). The paper shows the marriage proceedings in the Jewish religion. It explains the common phenomena in the middle ages among Jews which is marriage of the children. Regarding to the religion, the preferred ages to getting married is 18 years old for the boy and more than 13 years old for the girl and it is not acceptable the big difference in age between the couple.
The parents could get their daughter in marriage but she stayed in their house till her puberty time and the legal age then she has to choose if she wants to accomplish the marriage proceedings or refuse but by her refusal she put her parents in trouble because they have to return back all things they got from the groom. So the Jews pontiffs always advise not to marry the young daughters. This gambling by a future of young child could hinder the Christ from returning back.
الجنيزة القاهرية, عرائس الأطفال, الدراسات اليهودية
أستاذ اللغات السامية، کلية الآداب، جامعة عين شمس، القاهرة، مصر.
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Bulletin of the Center Papyrological Studies
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