ملخص البحث
الحمد لله رب العالمين , والصلاة والســــــلام على سيــــدنا محمد وآله وصحبه أجمعين , وبعد , فهذا بحث أتنــــاول فيه إحدى رسائل الشيخ إسماعيل بن غنيم الجوهرى فى " أما بعد " تحقيقا ودراسة , وعنوانه " حِلْيَةُ ذَوِى الجِدِّ بجَوَاهِرِ العِقْدِ فِى الکَلَامِ عَـلَى " أَمَّا بَعْدُ " لِلشَّيْخِ إِسْمَاعَيل بنِ غُنَيم الجَوهَرِى دَرَاسًة وَتَحْقِيقًـا".
وقــــد قسمت هذا البحث قسمين , يليهما خاتمة , وفهارس , فأمــــا القسم الأول فهو خاص بالدراسة , وقد احتوى على مبحثين , عرفت فى المبحث الأول بالشيخ إسماعيل بن غنيم الجوهرى صاحب الشرح , والشيخ محمد بن محمد الفيلالى صاحب المتن.
وکان الحديث فى المبحث الثانى عن دراسة خاصة بالمخطوط , وقد وثقت فيه نسبة المخطوط إلى صاحبه , ووصفت النسخ المخطوطة التى عثرت عليها لهذا الشرح , وتحدثت عن النسخة التى جعلتها أصلا اعتمد عليه , ووضعت صورا من نسخ المخطوط الأربع , وبينت الطريقة التى اعتمدها فى شرحه , وعددت المباحث التى ذکرها , ووضحت الأمور التى عنى بها فى شرحه , وذکرت المصادر التى اعتمد عليها , ومجموعة من المؤلفات التى کتبت فى " أما بعد " , والطريقة التى سرت عليها فى التحقيق.
وأما القسم الثانى فهو خاص بالتحقيق , وقد ذکرت فيه أولا رسالة الشيـــخ محمد بن محمد الفيلالى , وهى المتن , ثم ذکرت شرح الشيخ إسماعيل بن غنيم الجوهرى محققا , وبعد التحقيق ذکرت الخاتمة , وفيها أهم النتائج التى توصل إليها الباحث , ثم ذکرت الفهارس المتنوعة الکاشفة عن المحتوى العلمى للبحث.
Research Summary
Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and all his companions.
This is a research in which I deal with the messages of Sheikh Ismail bin Ghoneim Al-Gawhari in “ama baad" editing and study, and its title is “hilyat dhawia aljidi bjawahir aleiqd fia alkalam alaa “ama baad"to its author : Ismael bin Ghunaim Al-Jawhari for study and editing.
This research was divided into two parts, followed by a conclusion, and indexes.
As for the first section, it is specific to the study, and it contained two chapters. In the first chapter, I spoke about Sheikh Ismail bin Ghoneim Al-Gawhari, the author of the explanation, and Sheikh Muhammad bin Muhammad Al-Filali, the author of the text.
The discussion in the second chapter was about a study of the manuscript, in which the attribution of the manuscript to its owner was documented, and the manuscript copies that were found for this commentary were described.
And I spoke about the copy that I made it originally relied on, and I put pictures of the four copies of the manuscript, and showed the method he adopted in his explanation, and enumerated the chapters he mentioned, and clarified the matters that he meant in his explanation, then I mentioned a group of books that were written in “ama baad".
As for the second section, it is related to editing, and the message of Sheikh Muhammad bin Muhammad Al-Filali, which is the text, was mentioned first, then I mentioned the explanation of Sheikh Ismail bin Ghoneim Al-Gohary after I edited it, and after editing I mentioned the conclusion, which contains the most important results reached by the researcher, then I mentioned the various indexes Revealing the scientific content of the research.
Research Summary
Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and all his companions.
This is a research in which I deal with the messages of Sheikh Ismail bin Ghoneim Al-Gawhari in “ama baad" editing and study, and its title is “hilyat dhawia aljidi bjawahir aleiqd fia alkalam alaa “ama baad"to its author : Ismael bin Ghunaim Al-Jawhari for study and editing.
This research was divided into two parts, followed by a conclusion, and indexes.
As for the first section, it is specific to the study, and it contained two chapters. In the first chapter, I spoke about Sheikh Ismail bin Ghoneim Al-Gawhari, the author of the explanation, and Sheikh Muhammad bin Muhammad Al-Filali, the author of the text.
The discussion in the second chapter was about a study of the manuscript, in which the attribution of the manuscript to its owner was documented, and the manuscript copies that were found for this commentary were described.
And I spoke about the copy that I made it originally relied on, and I put pictures of the four copies of the manuscript, and showed the method he adopted in his explanation, and enumerated the chapters he mentioned, and clarified the matters that he meant in his explanation, then I mentioned a group of books that were written in “ama baad".
As for the second section, it is related to editing, and the message of Sheikh Muhammad bin Muhammad Al-Filali, which is the text, was mentioned first, then I mentioned the explanation of Sheikh Ismail bin Ghoneim Al-Gohary after I edited it, and after editing I mentioned the conclusion, which contains the most important results reached by the researcher, then I mentioned the various indexes Revealing the scientific content of the research.