يعمد هذا البحثُ إلى دراسة مقترحات أهلِ الضلال التي تفيض حقدا وحسدا على رسول الإسلام وکتابه وشريعته، وتنبئ عن تأصُّلهم في العناد، وعراقتهم في المجادلة واللجاج؛ اعتراضا على اصطفائه بالوحي واختصاصه بالنبوة، إذ راحوا – بعد أن عجزوا عن التحدي بمعارضة القرآن – يقترحون – عن جهل وحقد وتحکم وعناد – ما يخطر على بالهم – ضارا أو نافعا – ليظهروا عجز النبي – صلى الله عليه وسلم – أمام أتباعهم ودهمائهم؛ ليضمنوا ولاءهم، ويؤکدوا ما هم عليه من الضلال والکبر والکفر، فسجَّل عليهم القرآن الکريم ذلک، ثم راح يکشف زيف باطلهم، ويدحض بهتان افتراءاتهم، رادَّا عليهم في أسلوب حجاجي بياني محکم، وأجوبة مفحمة مسکتة= فکان هذا البحث بعنوان: " مقترحاتُ الکفار على النبي _ صلى الله عليه وسلم _ وردُّها في القرآن الکريم "دراسة حجاجية"، قمت فيه بعرض مقترح المشرکين من وجهة نظرهم، ثم أتبعتُه برد القرآن عليهم، مبينا ما اشتمل عليه من وسائل بلاغية تستميل وتمتع، وبتلاحمها مع الحجج تقنع وتفحم، إذ الصور البلاغية لا تصمد بمفردها أمام العناد، فإذا دُعِمت بالحجج العقلية قامت بدورها أحسن قيام، وأدت وظيفتها على أتم وجه، وهذا ما قام البحث له ومن أجله.
This research studies the proposals of the people of error that overcame hatred and envy against the Messenger of Islam and his book and his law, and it predicts their deep-rooted intransigence and their Iraq in argument and argument; In protest of his rendering of revelation and his prophecy, they started - after they were unable to challenge by opposing the Qur'an - proposing - ignorance, hatred, judgment and stubbornness - what would come to their minds - harmful or beneficial - to show the inability of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - in front of their followers and their reassurance; To ensure their loyalty, and to confirm their misguidance, arrogance and disbelief, the Holy Qur'an recorded on them, and then he revealed the falsehood of their falsehood and refuted the falsehoods of their slander, responding to them in a strict Hajj style, and ridiculous answers Misk = this research was entitled: “The proposals of the infidels against the Prophet _ Peace and blessings be upon him _ and its response in the Holy Qur'an “Pilgrim Study", in which I presented the proposal of the polytheists from their point of view, then I followed it up by returning the Qur'an to them, indicating what it contained in the rhetorical means that are used and enjoyed, and their cohesion with the arguments persuades and is charred. She stands alone in front of obstinacy, and if she is supported by mental arguments she does her best job, and she does her job perfectly, and this is what the search has done for him and for him.