The concept of mixed land uses emerged because of what cities have suffered because of the problems of segregation in land use, such as urban sprawl, the high cost of transportation to workplaces and services, and environmental pollution. Due to the many problems that cities face, especially the Egyptian ones, such as urban sprawl on agricultural lands, and the inefficiency of service provision, in addition to The difficulty of implementing detailed plans for cities because of the lack of state-owned land suitable for urban development, which corresponds to the areas required to provide the cities' current and future needs for services, so the multiple use of land can be an appropriate solution to overcome the problem of availability of land as well as to achieve maximum benefit from the value of land.
The research problem is based on the absence of a current mechanism by which compatibility between services can be determined, and to decide their simultaneous or sequential coexistence in the same site within the context of multiple use of lands. The research deals with this problem by defining the main objective of the research, which is to uncover the theoretical framework that includes the current problems of Egyptian urbanization, then review and analyze the literature of the application of mixed land uses, as well as the compatibility between land uses and analyze previous studies that dealt with calculating the compatibility between land uses in order to determine the variables of calculating the degree of compatibility Between services in Egypt, and the preparation of a compatibility matrix between services in Egypt to assist the urban planners and decision-makers in identifying alternatives to services that are suitable for simultaneous or consecutive joint coexistence, as well as a participation matrix explaining the spaces that can be provided by each service to share with other services, whether similar or different service.