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أثّر قيام الفرق على تفسير القرآن الكريم أثرًا بالغًا، فقد حاول كلُّ فريق أن ينصر منهجه في فهم العقيدة بكل سبيل، وكان القرآن هو الهدف الأول الذي يقصد إليه الجميع ليجد فيه ما يدعم مذهبه؛ ولو بطريق ليّ أعناق الآيات القرآنية لمذهبه، وظهر ما يُعرف بالتأويل المذهبي، وقد كانت المعتزلة من أكثر الفرق إيغالاً في التأويل على وفق المذهب، فأوّلوا القرآن بناءً على الأصول الخمسة عندهم، وأخضعوا عبارات القرآن لآرائهم.
وكان الأساس الأول من الأسس الضابطة للتأويل الاعتزالي للقرآن الكريم: هو العقل؛ وقد غالى المعتزلة في استعماله، ومنحوه سلطة تفوق قدرته، وحاولوا إعماله في الشاهد والغائب على السواء، وساروا معه إلى أقصى نتائجه المنطقية!! فإذا جاء نص ظاهره لا يتعارض مع مبادىء المعتزلة، حملوه على هذا الظاهر؛ فإن تصادم مع مبادئهم العقلية -أى أصولهم الخمسة- أولوه تأويلاً عقليًّا؛ فالعقل عندهم هو الحاكم على النص والقاضي عليه.
وحاول المعتزلة الاستعانة بالنص القرآني من أجل دعم مبادئهم؛ فمع كونهم يعترفون بالسلطان العقلي كانوا يكرهون أن يقال عنهم: إنهم ابتعدوا عن الشرع وارتموا في أحضان الفلسفة، ومن هنا مضوا يبينون ما في الآيات من مظاهر التوحيد والعدل متخذين من القراءات سبيلاً لذلك.
ولقد تفاوت المعتزلة في باب الاستدلال بالقراءات على المذهب الاعتزالي؛ فبعضهم أكثر من ذلك؛ كالإمام الزمخشري، وبعضهم كان مقلاًّ فيه؛ كالقاضي عبد الجبار والشريف المرتضى، وقد طالعت كتابي القاضي: (متشابه القرآن) و(تنزيه القرآن عن المطاعن)، وكتاب (الأمالي) للشريف المرتضى، فعثرت على قراءات تعد على أصابع اليدين، والسرُّ في ذلك أن القاضي والشريف اعتمدا على شواهد اللغة، وكانت إليهما أقرب، فلما جاء الزمخشري نحى منحىً جديدًا؛ وكان يتخذ من القراءات منطلقًا لممارسة الفروض اللغوية وتوجيه ما ينصر المذهب منها.
The victory of the Mu'tazila for their doctrine of readings, presentation and study
Yahya Zakaria Abdel Moneim Abu Azm
Department of Interpretation and Quran Sciences - College of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Boys in Cairo
University email: yahiazakariaislamic@gmail.com
All Mu'tazilites believe in the theory of the Five Fundamentals; They are: monotheism, justice, promise and threat, status between the two statuses, and enjoining good and forbidding evil. The secret of limiting isolation to it Is that the one who opposes them does not go beyond one of these principles. Contrary to atheism and suspiciousness has entered into monotheism, and unlike al-Mujbarah has entered into the section of justice, and unlike the Murji'ah has entered Into the chapter on promise and threat, and unlike the Kharijites has entered Into the chapter of status between the two statuses, and unlike the Imamiyyah has entered into the chapter of enjoining good and forbidding evil.
The impact of the establishment of the sects on the interpretation of the Noble Qur'an has a great impact. Each group tried to support it's approach in understanding the creed in every way, and the Qur'an was the first goal that everyone intended to find In it that supports its doctrine; And if the necks of the Qur'anic verses were twisted to his doctrine, and what was known as doctrinal interpretation appeared, and the Mu'tazilites were one of the most extreme sects in interpretation according to the doctrine, so they interpreted the Qur'an based on the five principles they had, and subjected the expressions of the Qur'an to their opinions.
The first basis of the controlling foundations for the Mu'tazilite interpretation of the Holy Qur'an: is the mind; The Mu'tazilites exaggerated their use of It, gave him an authority that exceeded his ability, and tried to implement It in both the witness and the absent, and they walked with him to his maximum logical results!! If a text appears that does not contradict the principles of the Mu'tazila, then they carry it on this apparent meaning. If It collides with their rational principles – that is, their five origins - they give it a rational interpretation. Their mind is the ruler over the text and the judge over it.
The readings are a revelation that he, peace and blessings of God be upon him, received from Gabriel, peace be upon him, and he, peace and blessings of God be upon him, recited it to the Companions, and it was transmitted from him with mutawatir.
The wisdom In the revelation of the Qur'an in seven letters is to ease this nation and to desire ease in it; The Arabs In whose language the Qur'an was revealed were many tribes, with different dialects and various tongues, and It was difficult for one of them to move from one dialect to another. It is the identification of how the Arabs pronounce the letters in their origins and qualities, and the multiplicity of readings takes the place of the multiplicity of the words of the Qur'an; The presence of the two sides or more in the different readings is fragmented from two or more verses, and this increases the suitability of the Qur'an for each era.
The Mu'tazilites tried to use the Qur'anic text to support their principles. Even though they acknowledged the rational authority, they hated to be said about them: They strayed from the law and fell Into the arms of philosophy, and from here they proceeded to explain the manifestations of monotheism and justice in the verses, using the readings as a way to do so.
The difference of the Mu'tazilites in the chapter on inference from the readings of the Mu'tazilite doctrine; Some of them are more than that; Like Imam al-Zamakhshari, and some of them were criticized by him; Like Al-Qadi Abdul-Jabbar and Al-Sharif Al-Murtada. They were closer. When al-Zamakhshari came, he took a new turn. He used the readings as a starting point for practicing linguistic assumptions and directing what supported the sect from them.And prayers and peace be upon the best of people, and praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.