The present work aims at the following objectives: 1) vegetation analysis of the Plantago communities (P. major, P. lagopus, and P. squarrosa) in Nile Delta of Egypt using multivariate analysis, 2) analysis of variations in the edaphic variables controlling the abundance and distribution of the recognized plant communities, and 3) evaluation of the biodiversity of the Plantago communities in the study area. The sampled stands are distributed in four Governorates, namely: El-Dakahlia, Kafr El-Sheikh, El-Behira, and El-Sharkia. The plant cover and density of the recorded species were investigated in 60 sampled stands, and the vegetation classification and ordinated were achieved. Soil samples were collected and the physical and chemical properties were determined. The species richness and eveness in the three communities were aslo calculated. The application of Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) classification based on the importance values of 105 plant species led to the recognition of four vegetation groups. Group A and B dominated by Plantago squarrosa. However, group C comprises dominated by Plantago lagopus. Group D dominated by Plantago major. The stand ordination is given by Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) showed that the vegetation groups obtained by TWINSPAN classification are remarkable distinguishable and having a clear pattern of segregation on the ordination plane. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) exhibited that organic carbon, electrical conductivity, sand fraction, and pH value showed high significant corrections with the first and second axes. However, calcium carbonate, sodium, potassium and calcium cations as well as water-holding capacity, total dissolved phosphorus, silt and clay fractions exhibited a moderate significant correlation. P. squarrosa community was affected with many soil variables such as calcium carbonate, sodium, organic carbon, pH value, sand and magnesium. However, P. lagopus was affected by bicarbonates, potassium, sulfates and total nitrogen. Moreover, P. major showed a close relationship with electrical conductivity, water-holding capacity, total dissolved phosphorus, silt, clay, and porosity. The diversity measurements showed that the P. major community attained the highest richness and evenness, while the community of P. squarrosa showed the lowest diversity and eveness.