Ecological and geomorphological factors that control the distribution of Lepidopterous insects were
thoroughly examined in three different areas of Egypt. These areas are Senoris, Fayoum Governorate;
Al-Arish, North Sinai Governorate; and Kharga Oasis, New Valley Governorate. One hundred and ninety
two species belonging to 143 genera represent in 23 families were recorded. The study of similarity
between the three areas was carried out using Sørensen equation. The results indicated that there are
significant differences between these areas. Similarity in species copmposition nonetheless, is the highest
among Fayoum and Al-Arish areas (70%), followed by Fayoum and Kharga Oasis (64%). The least
similar areas were Al-Arish and Kharga Oasis (57%). Al-Arish has the highest number of characteristic
species (41 species) forming 42.27% of the total number of the recorded characteristic species; while
Fayoum has the least number of characteristic species (20 species) comprising 20.62% of the total. New
Valley has 36 species representing 37.11%. Eleven new-recorded species were collected during this
study, one belongs to family Elachistidae “Leucoptera scitella Zeller", five belongs to family Noctuidae
“Acontia hortensis Smith, Clytei syriaca (Bugnion), Agrotis sordzeana Brondt; Nola harouni Wiltshire,
Eulocastra diaphora Staudinger", one belongs to family Pieridae “Colias hyale L.", and four belonging
to family Pyralidae “Staudngeria yerburii Bulter, Hypotia colchicalis H.-Sch., Parastenia daradis
(Chretien), and Synaphe marbidalis Guenée".