Sleep is critically essential to human beings as it can safely maintain mental and physical health and
well-being, especially among adolescents. Aim: The study aimed to assess the relation between
sleep hygiene awareness, sleep hygiene practice, and sleep quality among public secondary school
students at Minia district, Egypt. Research design: A descriptive correlational design was used in
the study. Setting: The study was conducted at three governmental public secondary schools at
Minia district. Sample: A stratified random sample of 600 students was included in the study.
Tools of data collection: The 1st tool was a self -administered questionnaire to assess sleep hygiene
awareness, the 2nd tool was the sleep hygiene index to assess the practice of sleep hygiene and the
3rd tool was the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index to assess sleep quality. Results: The study revealed
that more than half (56.8%) of the participants had an unsatisfactory level of sleep hygiene
awareness, more than half (52.0%) had a good level of sleep hygiene practice, while the majority
(84.8%) had a poor level of sleep quality. The study also revealed statistical significant differences
between sleep quality and sleep hygiene awareness and practices. Conclusion: Sleep hygiene
awareness was unsatisfactory among more than half of the participants, while sleep hygiene practice
was poor among about half of them, and the majority, their sleep quality was poor. The study also,
revealed that sleep quality is related to both sleep hygiene awareness, and sleep hygiene practice.
Recommendations: A planned educational intervention regarding the importance of sleep, sleep
hygiene, and good sleep quality can be an effective way of empowering adolescents to mitigate the
long-term effect of poor sleep quality on their health.