Background: Diarrhea is the second leading cause of death among under-5 years old
children as it Leads to loss of large amounts of fluids and essential electrolytes causing
varying degrees of dehydration and death Aim this study aimed to assess maternal traditional
reported practice toward their children suffering from diarrheal disease.Research
design:descriptive design was used. Sample: A purposive sample composed from 120
mothers accompanied with their children suffering from diarrheal disease Setting: This
study was conducted in dehydration room in emergency department at children Hospital
affiliated to Ain Shams University Hospitals Tools: three parts were used for data collection
(1) predesigned questionnaire format, include the demographic characteristics of studied
mothers and their children suffering from diarrheal disease &physical and physiological
characteristics of child from medical record. (2) Studied mothers knowledge about diarrhea
(3):Studied mothers reported practice regarding management of diarrheal disease. Result:
the mean age of studied mothers was 32.27± 6.94,more than one third of studied mothers
had good level of total knowledge about diarrhea and less than one quarter of them had good
level of reported practice regarding management of diarrheal diseases for their children.
Conclusions:This study reveals that there were positive correlation and highly statistical
significant between studied mothers 'total level of knowledge and their total reported practice
Recommendations: Educational program for mothers about the care that should be given to
children suffering from diarrheal disease&providing brochures and booklets containing
simple information about important of breast feeding and knowledge regarding weaning and
danger signs of dehydration .
diarrhea, children, Knowledge, Traditional practice
Last Name
IbrahimAbd Al-Moniem
Professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing- Ain Shams University-Cairo-Egypt
Assistant professor of Pediatric Nursing Faculty of Nursing- Ain Shams University
B.Cs in Nursing- Ain Shams University-Cairo-Egypt.
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Publication Title
Egyptian Journal of Health Care
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Maternal Traditional practice toward their Children Suffering from Diarrheal Disease