Background: Reproductive health is important component of general health it was a
prerequisite for social, economic and human development.Aim:The aim of the present study was to
assess Fayoum university student perception regarding reproductive health. Design: A descriptive
study design was utilized.Setting: The study was conducted at the faculty of tourism and hotels and
the faculty of Dar Aluloom at fayoum university.Sample: A purposive sample of (200) female
students according certain criteria; female age 18-20 years and at the first academic year.Tools of
data collection: two tools was used for data collection. A structured questionnaire sheet to assess
knowledge of female regarding Reproductive health and attitude rating scale to assess attitude of
female regarding Reproductive health. Results: The study revealed that the47% had good level of
knowledge about Reproductive health, 43% had average level, and 10% had poor level of
knowledge all study group had a positive attitude towards Reproductive health. there was a
statistical significant difference in knowledge score between different income level, mother
occupation and father education with lower score among students had enough income, and students
whose mother were manual work, and their fathers were illiterate. Conclusion. near eighty percent
of study group had knowledge about elements, aim of Rh and women rights, near half of study
group had good level of knowledge about reproductive health,On the other hand there was no
statistical significant difference in knowledge score between different residence, mother education,
and father occupation. and total attitude about Reproductive health. Recommendation: develop
reproductive health educational programs target to female university students, further researches to
assess and investigate female barriers for utilization of Reproductive health services.