Background: Dementia is a serious disease that involves progressive losses of cognition,
memory, and social function. The burden of dementia is not limited to patients, it also affects the
caregiver's .psychological resilience among family Caregivers effect on the level of burden they
experienced. Aim: Assess relationship between Care burden and Psychological resilience among
Family Caregivers of Patients with Dementia. Design: descriptive explorative research design was
utilized in this study. Subjects and Methods: This study was conducted on 100 family caregivers
of patients with dementia at memory clinic at the institute Al Yassin Specialized Medical Hospital
affiliated to the Al-Baqiyat Al-Salihat Foundation, for Dr. Abla Al-Kahlawi. Data collection Tools:
data were collected through: three tools; Interview questionnaire, Burden interview scale, Caregiver
Resilience Scale. Results: the majority of the studied family caregivers had Moderate levels of
Psychological Resilience. While eight of percentage of them had high levels of Psychological
Resilience and only three of percentage of the studied family caregivers of patients with dementia
had mild levels of Psychological Resilience. Also, more than two fifths of the studied family
caregivers had severe level of total burden, and more than one third of the studied family caregivers
had moderate level of total burden. While, less than one quarter of them had mild level of total
burden. Conclusion: This study concluded that, more than four fifths of the studied family
caregivers had Moderate levels of Psychological Resilience. While eight of percentage of them had
high levels of Psychological Resilience and only three of percentage of the studied family
caregivers of patients with dementia had mild levels of Psychological Resilience. Also, more than
two fifths of the studied family caregivers had severe level of total burden. and more than one third
of the studied family caregivers had moderate level of total burden. While, less than one quarter of
them had mild level of total burden. Also, there were highly significant negative correlation
between caregiver psychological resilience and their burden levels among family caregivers of
patient with dementia. Recommendations: Establishment of counseling program for family
caregivers of patients with dementia to improve psychosocial wellbeing, psychological resilience
and reduce feeling of care burden