Background: Immobility is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in older adults, aging results
in reduced physiological reserve. Aim of the Study: The study aimed to assess daily living
activities among institutionalized older adults with chronic immobility. Design: Descriptive
analytical or correlational study to achieve the aim of this study. Setting: The study was conducted
at all institutionalized health care centers affiliated to the ministry of social solidarity in in Fayoum
Governorate. Subjects: convenience sample of 150 elderly was used in the study. Tool: one tool
was used for data collection First tool: interviewing structured questionnaires contained five parts
that developed by the researcher, Part I: Socio-demographic characteristics about elderly inmates in
the elderly homes, Part II: Medical history of older adults, Part III: Older adults' knowledge
regarding immobility, Daily living activities, Healthy aging associated changes, comorbidities and
healthy safe environment, Part IV: Assessment degree of mobility (Elderly mobility scale) (EMS),
and Part V: BARTHEL INDEX for assessing activity of daily living among elderly in the health
care centers. Results: the results revealed that more than half of older adult had satisfactory
knowledge regarding immobility, more than three quarterly of older adult had satisfactory
knowledge regarding daily living activity. Also, one third of older adults had independent level of
mobility degree. Where one quarter of them had borderline independent level of mobility and less
than half of them had dependent mobility degree. Conclusion: There were statistically significant
different between sociodemographic characteristic of older adult and degree of mobility. However,
there were statistically significant different between sociodemographic older adult and their daily
living activities, also statistically significant different between degree of mobility of older adult and
their daily living activities. Recommendations: Educational programs should be developed and
implemented to raise health awareness among older adults with chronic immobility about their
disease and how to improve daily living activities,