Background: Parents' satisfaction represents an important indicator for the quality of health
care delivery, and it is a widely accepted factor, which needs to be studied repeatedly for better
functioning of health care systems. Aim of the study: The study was aimed to asses parental
satisfaction with nursing care provided for their children undergoing minor surgeries. Research
design: Descriptive design was utilized to conduct the study. Setting: The study was conducted at
surgical daily care unit at pediatric hospital afflilated to Ain Shams University. Subjects: total
eighty parents accompanied their children from one month to twelve years old undergoing minor
surgeries admitted to the previously mentioned settings over a six months periods. Tools for data
collection: Two tool an interview questionnaire sheet to assess characteristics of parents, children
and their knowledge about satisfaction, Likert type like scale to assess parents satisfaction regarding
the care provided for their children undergoing minor surgery. Results: less than half of the studied
parents had good knowledge regarding satisfaction with nursing care for their children under going
minor surgery, while the quarter of the studied parents had poor knowledge level. Additionally more
than third of the studied parents was satisfactory with the care provided to their children under
going minor surgery..Conclusion: Based on the present study findings, it could be concluded that
the less than half of the studied parents had good total knowledge regarding nursing care satisfaction
for their children under going minor surgery, while the quarter of the studied parents had poor total
knowledge level. Additionally, more than two fifith of the studied parents had high total satisfactory
score regarding the care provided to their children under going minor surgery. Furthermore, the
more than fifth of them had low total satisfactory level.. Also, there were highly statistically
significant relations between the studied parents' total knowledge, total satisfactory score regarding
the care provided to their children and their personal characteristics Recommendations: parents'
satisfaction survey should be carried out routinely to improve the efficiency and quality of of health
services provided in surgical units,, RepIication of the study using a Iarger probabiIity sampIe from
different setting and popuIation to generaliz