Background: Abortion is a major side effect of teenager's pregnancy . Aim: Assess effect of
abortion on health status of teenage married women in rural area. Research Design:
Descriptive exploratory Design was used. Setting: The study was conducted at Outpatient
clinic in obstetric hospitals in Beni Suief governorate. Sample: A purposive sample of 132
women. Tools of data collection: Part 1: -Socio demographic characteristic . Part 2: Medical
History: (Diseases:, past & current). Part 3: Obstetric history. Part 4: Knowledge of Teenage
women about . Part5: Health needs after abortion. Part 6: Health problems of Teenage women
after abortion . Results: the study findings revealed that 77.3% had unsatisfactory knowledge
related to abortion, 81, 8% of teenagers married women had unhealthy practice related to
abortion, 81.1% of teenagers married women of teenagers married women complain health
problems after abortion, Conclusions: more than one fifth of teenagers married women had
satisfactory level of knowledge related to abortion while more than three quarters of them had
unsatisfactory knowledge related abortion. Less than one fifth of teenagers married women
done practices after abortion. All teenagers married women (100%) need health education
about sexual rehabilitation after abortion, health education about medications after abortion.
Recommendations: Providing sufficient education for teenage married women's after abortion
to enhance their knowledge regarding abortion. Replication of the study on a larger sample and
in different geographical areas in Egypt is recommended for generalization of findings