Background:Female adolescent with RTI represents various symptoms like backache
to lower abdominal pain, genital ulcers, vulval itching, inguinal swelling, and abnormal
vaginal discharge. The study was aimed to: Assess self -care practices regarding
prevention of reproductive tract infection among female adolescent. Research design: A
descriptive study design was used. Sample: A convenient sample Of 150 students from
faculty of nursing, Menofiyia university.Tools: First tools, self-administered questionnaire
sheet to assess female adolescent general characteristics, their knowledge and self -care
practices for prevention of RTI. Results: The current study finding revealed that 68, 2% of
studied adolescents had incorrect total knowledge score regarding RTI while 31, 8% of them
had correct total knowledge score, 71, 3% of studied adolescent had unsatisfactory self- care
practice regarding prevention of RTI. There were a highly statistically significant relation
between total studied adolescent knowledge score and total studied adolescent self –care
practices score regarding prevention of RTI(p < 0.001). Conclusion: The current study
concluded slightly more than three quarter of the studied adolescent had incorrect regarding
mode of transmition of RTI and slightly more than two third of them had incorrect
knowledge regarding preventive measures. Regarding total knowledge score the current
study finding revealed that slightly more than two third of them had incorrect knowledge.
Also slightly less than three quarter of the studied adolescent had unsatisfactory self-care
practice regarding RTI. Recommendation: The current study recommended
that :Application of the nursing preventive strategy for RTI on female adolescent at
secondary school through designing and application for an educational program to increase
awareness of female adolescent through (videos, booklets, lectures), Further researches are
needed to investigate the contributory factors leading to RTIs and the adequate intervention.