Background: Blindness may create formidable social and psychological problems for the
children having blindness. These problems cause implications for the integration of the children
having blindness into a sighted society, for the coping and adjustment of the blind, and for the
attitudes of the sighted. Aim: The aim of the study was to physical, social and psychological
challenges facing children having blindness. Design: Descriptive research design was used. Setting:
Data was collected from El-Nor and El-Amal school for children having blindness Helioplis, Cairo.
Sample: Purposive sample included 60 blind child. Tools for collecting data of the present study
included the following: 1. An interview questionnaire to assess children knowledge about blindness
and challenges among children with blindness (physical, social). 2.A- Scale to assess social
challenges that facing blind children (loneliness scale, scholastic achievement scale). B- Scale to
assess psychological challenges among children with blindness (anxiety scale, self-esteem scale,
self-image scale). Results: the study findings showed that, regarding level of the studied children's
physical challenges 45% of them had mild challenges, 31.7% of them had moderate challenges and
23.3% of them had severe challenges. Regarding level of social challenges, 28.3% the studied
children's had mild challenges, 40% of them had moderate challenges and 19% of them had severe
challenges. Regarding level of psychological challenges facing the children having blindness,
38.3% of the studied children's had mild challenges, 33.3% of them had moderate challenges and
28.3%of them had severe challenges. Conclusion: The majority of the children having blindness
had mild physical challenges, moderate social challenges and mild psychological challenges and
there are positive relation between children having blindness and their
physical, social and
psychological challenges. Recommendation: The study recommended to
encouraging children
having blindness to participate in sports and recreational programs.