Aim of the study the aim of this study is to assess awareness of parents having school age children
with enuresis. Research design descriptive exploratory research design was used to achieve the aim
of the current study. The setting of the study the study was conducted at children outpatient clinics
of Elkhanka psychiatric and mental health hospital at El-kaliobia. Subjects the sample was
convenient sample, composed of 240 parents having school age children with enuresis. Tools used
for data collection: first tool: socio-demographic interviewing questionnaire sheet including (a
Socio-demographic data characteristics for children with enuresis and for parents having children
with enuresis, b- Physical, psychological and social assessment sheet of the child answered by
parents) prepared by the researcher, second tool: questionnaire sheet about awareness of parents
having children with enuresis include (knowledge, attitude and practice) prepared by the researcher.
The study results revealed that, parents total level of knowledge about enuresis results that average
knowledge, parents having school age children suffering from enuresis total level of attitude about
enuresis results that natural attitude and parents having school age children suffering from enuresis shows
that incompetent practice. Furthermore, there was statistically significant correlation between total
score of knowledge, attitude and practice. Conclusion nearly less than two third of parents having
school age children suffering from enuresis have average level of knowledge, more than half of parents
having school age children with enuresis have natural level of attitude, and more than two third of them
are incompetent practice. Recommendations the study recommended that establishing educational
health programs for parents having children with enuresis, establishing training programs for parents
to modify their behaviors when dealing with their children with enuresis.