Background: Epilepsy is one of the most common chronic neurological disorders in
children that have a negative impact on the children's psychosocial development, cognition,
behaviors, schooling, finally resulting to high stressors experiencing. Aim: The aim of this
study was to assess the psychosocial stressors of epileptic children. Research design: A
descriptive study design was conducted. Setting: This study was conducted at Neurological
clinic of Children's University Hospital at Ain Shams University. Sample: Convenience
sample was selected which included (100) epileptic children. Tools of data collection:
Interviewing questionnaire tool for children was used which included two parts: Socio-
demographic characteristics and medical history of the epileptic children and their parents,
and the psychosocial stressors inventory. Results: More than three fifths of studied epileptic
children had high psychological stressors and more than three quarter of studied epileptic
children had high social stressors. Moreover, there were statistically significant relation
between psychosocial stressors and socio-demographic features and medical history such as
their age, area of residence, and medications compliance. Conclusion: The epileptic children
have high psychosocial stressors in relation to their socio-demographic data and medical
history. Furthermore, the majority of these stressors are due to illness precautions,
medications side effects, epileptic fits, and the school. Recommendation: Develop and apply
nursing intervention programs for epileptic children, their parents, and teachers to improve
the knowledge, awareness, and attitudes towards epilepsy