Background: Leading is critical to advancing the nursing profession. All work units
require strong nursing leaders to establish a healthy work environment. Current and future
head nurses need effective leading strategies and assertiveness skills to guide and encourage
nurses and enhancing their achievement motivation to work safely and effectively. Aim of
this study was to compare the influence of head nurses leading role and assertiveness on staff
nurses' achievement motivation at Tanta Emergency and El-Menshawy Hospital. Methods:
Descriptive, comparative through cross-sectional study design was adopted. The study was
conducted at Tanta Emergency Hospital and El-Menshawy Hospital. Sample: All available
staff nurses working
at Tanta Emergency Hospital (n=258) and El-Menshawy Hospital
(n=212) was included
in this study. Tools: Three tools for data collection were used: Head
Nurses' Leading Role
Scale to measure head nurses leading role, Assertiveness Assessment
Scale to assess head
nurses assertiveness behaviors and Achievement Motivation Scale.
Results: Staff nurses' perceived a high level of head nurses leading role at Tanta Emergency
Hospital, while low level at El-Menshawy Hospital with the emphasize on supervising
leading role. At Tanta Emergency Hospital staff nurses perceived a high level of
assertiveness techniques and assertiveness behavior than El-Menshawy Hospital. Staff nurses'
achievement motivation behavior had statistically significant favorable correlations with their
years of experience, age, education level, total leading role and assertiveness at both hospitals.
Conclusion: There were significant influences of head nurses leading role and assertiveness
on staff nurses' achievement motivation. Recommendation: Building a supportive work
environment that promoting effective communication and conduct regular training programs
for head nurses to refresh their knowledge, skills and experiences and motivating good
performance to enhance staff nurses' achievement motivation are necessary.